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Rank0: Royal
Rank1: Royal Advisor
Rank2: Advisor
Rank3: Knight Commander
Rank4: Knight
Rank5: Squire
Rank6-8: Not Used
Rank9: Recruit
Rank0: Royal- Royal will be the guild leader of Acolytes of Destruction (AoD). He has all rights to commands to the guild and serves as mediator in any disputes. His decisions will break any ties that may result in a vote. His decision will be final. He is charged with making sure that all ranks fulfill their duties and the general running of AoD. He is in charge of setting up Guild Meetings and attending Alliance Meetings. Royal has Officer Chat and Alliance Chat. Royal can invite new comers to the guild and promote and demote any current member. Royal is also charged with removing any one from the guild that does not comply with the judgments handed down by the Royal Advisors
Rank1: Royal Advisor- Royal Advisor will be the council under the Royal. This council will be made up of 3 or 4 Knight Commanders. This council will decide on issues with the Royal. Any issues concerning the future of the guild will be decided by the Royal Advisors and the Royal. Any judiciary issues that involve a guild will be decided on by the Royal Advisors and the Royal. Any issues brought to the guild by another guild concerning any guild member or the guild in general will be decided on by the Royal Advisors. They will also decide if the issues need to be taken to the guild for general consensus. The Royal Advisor is promoted by the Royal and serves this position until they retire or step down of their own accord. Royal Advisor will have Officer Chat and Alliance Chat. Royal Advisors can invite new comers to the guild and promote and demote any current member. They are also charged with acting on the behalf of the Royal and to take action if he is not present.
Rank2: Advisor- Advisor will be under the charge of the Royal Advisors. This will be a rotating position consisting of 3 Knight Commanders. Royal Advisors will decide on who from the officer ranks will be placed in this position. Advisors are in charge of getting guild events set up. They are charged with also bringing any guild related issues to the attention of the Royal Advisors and the Royal. Events ranging for Group Raids to Power Leveling will be organized by the Advisors. This position will be rotated out ever two months. An advisor can hold the position more than once consecutively. This position may involve their game time may be dedicated to guild events and functions. Advisors will have Officer Chat and Alliance Chat. Advisors can invite any new comers to the guild.
Rank3: Knight Commander- Knight Commander is the officer’s branch of the guild. This rank is given Officer Chat and Alliance Chat. Knight Commanders are to be in charged of representing AoD as a whole to the community and should be of high moral. Knight Commanders are also charged with taking any AoD of lower rank under their wing and supporting them when they can. Be it Power Leveling, Epics, Quests, and help with general knowledge of the game. Any disputes between members of ranks lower than Knight Commander and between any lower rank and another guild are to be brought to the attention of Royal Advisors by the Knight Commander. If a Royal Advisor is not present to handle a dispute and it must be handled immediately, then the Knight Commanders will be charged with handling it. They can invite any new comers to the guild.
Rank4: Knight- Knights make up the bulk of AoD and its foundation. They are the driving force of AoD and should be of high moral. Knights have access to Alliance Chat. Knights are to represent the guild in high fashion and to promote AoD to the community. They are responsible for helping any of lower rank with issues they may have in game. Any member of AoD should receive the rank of Knight upon reaching level 20.
Rank5: Squire- Squire is for anyone joining AoD that has completed their time as a recruit. This rank is for those below level 20 and new to the game. Squire only has access to Guild Chat. All squires should look to any AoD member of higher rank if they are having issue with any guild member or with another guild. Also a squire should look to any of higher rank if they are in need of help with any in game issue such as quests, epics, and general knowledge.
Rank9: Recruit- Recruit is the entry level of any new comer to AoD. This any new comer will remain at this rank for a period of two weeks. During this time, they can get a feel for AoD and decide if our guild is for them. This initiation period also gives AoD a chance to get to know a Recruit and to determine if they will be invited to become a full member of AoD. Once they have completed the mandatory two week period, they will be promoted to either Squire or Knight depending on their over all knowledge and level in the game. Recruit will only have access to Guild Chat.
Notes:Rank0,1,2,3, will be able to claim a keep and upgrade. I don't think there will be a entire group of AoD at Rank4 out RvRing. There would be at least one Rank0-3. Though if it comes to it then we will allow them to. Only Rank0-3 can promote. Though a Rank3 ( Knight Commander ) can't promote anyone to their rank but they can promote anyone from Rank9 to Rank4. Since Rank3 is the officers level then its going to be more formal with Officers bringing anyone at Rank4 as candidates for Rank3. Since concern has been expressed for not making it to top heavy in the Officer pool, we won't let it just be a free for all up to that level. Some one needs to be recognized by an Officer and then it will be decided on by the Officers and the Royal Advisors in which the Royal Advisors will then promote to Officers during a Guild Meeting.

Also all alts will obtain the main toons rank automatically.

AoD holds Crauchon!

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