Quick Keys |
Quick Keys are commands that are assigned to a single
key on your keyboard for quick access. You can configure these keys by
clicking the Options button and selecting Configure Keyboard from the
Character Selection screen.
Move Forward - Right Mouse Button
Move Backward - Left Mouse Button
Move Forward - Up Arrow 5
Move Backward - Down Arrow 6
Turn Left - Left Arrow 3
Turn Right - Right Arrow 4
Strafe Left - q
Strafe Right - w
Look Up - s
Look Down - x
Look Center - d
AutoRun - NumLock
Select/Open - Spacebar
Jump/Up - a
Crawl/Down - z
Walk - ]
Cast - c
Quicksell - y
Quick Destroy Item - >
Torch - t
Get/Drop Item - g
Attack Mode - F6
Consider - n
Show Inventory - i
Show Stats (Player Sheet) - p
Show Skills - [
Show Spells - u
Show Group - o
Show Combat - h
Target Nearest Object - F7
Target Nearest Enemy - F8
Target Nearest Friendly - F9
Reply - r
Chat Log - l
Mouse Toggle - m
Mouselook - Ctrl
Select Group Member (1-8) - Shift-(F1-F8)
Repeat Last Message - Shift-Up Arrow 5
Chat Page Up - PgUp
Chat Page Down - PgDn
System Page Up - Shift-PgUp
System Page Down - Shift-Pg-Dn
The following are quick keys that are available but currently cannot
be assigned to other keys:
~ Pans your camera around when you are in 3rd person view.
- Takes a screenshot of the current scene (numeric pad only).
TAB - Hides the interface displays.
ESC - Removes the current target from your target panel.
Enter, ‘ or “ - Initiates conversation. |
The “/” (Slash) Commands |
While some commands may be set up using quick keys (see
Configure Keyboard), others require the use of “/” commands. To
use the following commands, simply type “/” in the command line
followed by the appropriate command:
Chat Commands
/say or /s - Sends a message to those in the immediate vicinity.
/group or /g - Sends a message only to members of your party.
/send - Sends a private messages to another person (i.e., /send john
/em or /emote - Role-play an action that isn’t immediately available
in the game
Action Commands
/rest or/r - Rest is used to allow your character to sit and heal. The
rate of health regeneration is approximately twice that of the
standing rate.
/sit - Same as /rest.
/stand - Makes your character stand up. Or use forward or backward
/quit or /q - Quit the game.
/bind - Binds your character to a bind stone where it will resurrect
in the event of death
/release - In case of death, type /release to return to life.
/pray - With your character’s gravestone targeted, /pray allows you
to recover some of the experience lost due to a death.
/macro <text> - Assigns <text> to the cursor. Click on an
empty slot on the Quick Bar to assign it to a hotkey. Works with slash
comands, too.
Information Commands
/who - Lists then number of active players
/who help - Lists possible /who options
/who all - Lists all players in the game, their class, level and
/who csr - Lists all Customer Service Representatives currently online
/who <name> - Lists all players whose name starts with
/who <class> - Lists all players of specified class
/who <location> - Lists all players in specified area
/who <#> level - Lists all players of specified level
/task - Displays information about any current tasks you have
/quest - Displays the details of the quests you are on and/or have
completed. You can also open the Journal on the Player Sheet panel to
see current quests only.
/where <name> - Use this command with any NPC to find out where
another NPC <name> is located.
/dir or /d - Shows the direction you are facing
/time - Shows the current game time
Group Commands
/invite - Invites a targeted person into your group.
/disband - Disbands a group or allows you to remove yourself from a
/join - Join a person who has invited you into their group.
/cg invite <name> - Invites a player to join a chat group
/cg who - lists all members of the chat group
/cg remove <name> - Removes a player from the chat group
/cg disband - Disbands the chat group
/friend <chat> - Sends messages to members of your chat group
(or use the Friends tab)
Help Commands
/stuck - Relogs your character if you become stuck, and moves you to
the nearest valid position.
/advisor - List yourself as an advisor. Must have at least 15 hours of
play time.
/advice - Lists players who have signed up as advisors.
/advice <player> <question> - Sends a query to the named
advisor with your question.
/appeal Sends a message to the in-game support staff (during business
hours) requesting help
Assigning a Slash Command to a Hotkey
You can assign any slash command to a hotkey by typing /macro
<slash command>, then dragging the cursor (which now carries the
command) over to an empty slot on the Quick Bar. To execute that
command again, simply press the associated number key or click on the
You can use the /em command to depict an action or non-chat
description. For instance, to tell everyone you are smacking Derk the
Bold with a fish, you would type /em Smacks Derk the Bold with a fish.
This is sometimes considered an emote.
The Function Keys
The following is a list of the current function key settings. Note
that these settings can be changed with other keyboard options:
F1 - Calls up the internal help system. Not alterable.
F6 - Combat mode on/off
F7 - Target nearest option, select key again to cycle through objects
F8 - Target nearest enemy, hit again to cycle, nearest to farthest.
F9 - Target the nearest PC, starting with yourself. Press the key
again to cycle through other PCs.
F11 - Change camera view
Emote Animations
To use them, type /. For example: "/beckon" will show the
beckon animation
/beckon - wave to someone in agreement
/blush - done something wrong?
/bow - character bows/greets
/cheer - way to go!
/clap - clap in support
/cry - you are feeling sad
/curtsey - character bows/greets
/flex - you flex
/follow - follow a targed player
/kiss - one of the most wonderfull things
/dance - show your dancing skills
/laugh - now that was funny
/point - point in a direction
/salute - character salutes/greets
/stick - follow the targed Mob in fight
/bang - bang on your shield
/victory - raise your hands in victory
/wave - wave goodbye or hello
New Emotes
/hug - self-explanatory.
/charge - onward!
/no - shake your head.
/yes - nod your head.
/raise - raise your hand, as in volunteering or getting attention.
/shrug - shrug your shoulders.
/slap - slap someone.
/slit - let your enemy know what you want to do to him.
/surrender - I give up! |