A great site with detailed information on all aspects of playing the game such as character, class, zone, city, quest, and skill information and more.
URL: http://camelot.allakhazam.com/ |
The official DAoC community site. Patch notes, special messages, realm war information, guild status, questions and answers taken from the community, known issue file - it's all here
URL: http://www.camelotherald.com/ |
A community site for discussion and information about Dark Age of Camelot
URL: http://camelotvault.ign.com/ |
This is the comprehensive guide to siege weapons in Dark Age of Camelot
URL: http://daoc.djswifty.com/ |
A great site with news and info. It also has a nifty character planner.
URL: http://daoc.catacombs.com/ |
The end all of all maps for Dark Age of Camelot
URL: http://phrogz.net/daocmapscroller/ |
On April 23rd 2002, Mythic announced a Realm Ability system on their news site, The Camelot Herald. They published a master list with large tables of all abilities, their levels, descriptions and the classes that can train them. If you are not familiar with realm rank and levels, read this short description. To figure out how many points you can spend, read this Clarification on Realm Abilities. The configurator presents the data from the master list in a more user friendly, interactive way.
URL: http://www.ping.de/~sven/daoc/ |
The Official DOAC Webpage
URL: http://www.darkageofcamelot.com/ |
The Dark Age of Camelot Armor Price List Generator
URL: http://www.geocities.com/sstair/Camelot/Armor/ |
The official Dark Age of Camelot support homepage
URL: http://support.darkageofcamelot.com/ |
The one stop place for everything one needs to know about Friars
URL: http://www.drunkenfriar.com/ |
The excellent PHP scripts by the guys who run the Purple Dragon guild site. Very cool stuff if you don't know jack about XML like me.
URL: http://www.purpledragons.net/xml/ |
Touring Albion With Clashandius & Davaelis, what more can I say? Fellow Guildmate's very funny website.
URL: http://www.digitalalloy.com/da/touring/ |
The uncompromising daoc log parser
URL: http://mathcs.holycross.edu/~dshettle/statz0r/ |