Character Name:Fyder
Real Name:Brian
Character Class:Infiltrator
Alts:lv17 paladin, lv20 paladin, lv20 necro, lv20 wizzy - all Bors
Armorcrafting:i dunno
Weaponcrafting:didnt plan on it...
Tailoring:most likely
Fletching:I barely use my freakin crossbow
Bio:Well, let's see... where to start. Hmm im a lv 20 infiltrator as you most likely know by now. A very good friend of mine is in the same guild... (Imabuffer) I use slashing weps, i never really did like thrust weapons.. no offence to those thrusting infils tho... Anyway I just wanted to say a couple of thing about myself so i guess thats all, Hail Acolytes of Destruction!
Profile added on 07/25/03 at 4:16 PM