Who's Uber 07/12/04
RVR Who's Uber
Cleric-Champions of the Realm
16) Ppapared MyRezIsLikeWhoa 50 Highlander,Cleric 1,355,506
Friar-This Week's Champions
23) Devlyn 50 Briton,Friar RP: 6,276
Paladin-This Week's Champions
13) Vsem TanksAreObsolete 50 Highlander,Paladin RP: 16,386
Paladin-I Remain Standing
24) Vsem TanksAreObsolete 50 Highlander,Paladin RP: 356
Scout-Champions of the Realm
16) Notrace ToAIsAScam 50 Saracen,Scout 857,814 17) Shiftorn 50 Saracen,Scout 798,878
Sorcerer-Champions of the Realm
24) Ezone TheRedFlame 50 Avalonian,Sorcerer 476,175
Sorcerer-This Week's Champions
23) Ezone TheRedFlame 50 Avalonian,Sorcerer RP: 13,138
Sorcerer-I Remain Standing
20) Ezone TheRedFlame 50 Avalonian,Sorcerer RP: 691
Necromancer-Champions of the Realm
7) Pandoramoore 50 Inconnu,Necromancer 254,586
Necromancer-This Week's Champions
2) Pandoramoore 50 Inconnu,Necromancer RP: 22,937 13) Strouth 41 Inconnu,Necromancer RP: 8,116 14) Angg 37 Inconnu,Necromancer RP: 7,976 19) Drendakoth 50 Inconnu,Necromancer RP: 6,101
Necromancer-I Remain Standing
1) Pandoramoore 50 Inconnu,Necromancer RP: 655
Crafting Who's Uber