Who's Uber 08/08/04
RVR Who's Uber
Cleric-Champions of the Realm
13) Ppapared MyRezIsLikeWhoa 50 Highlander,Cleric 1,466,261
Cleric-This Week's Champions
13) Antiroleplay DrivesIntoAggro 50 Avalonian,Cleric RP: 25,186
Friar-This Week's Champions
19) Achillis 45 Briton,Friar RP: 3,412
Minstrel-Champions of the Realm
25) Akad Battery 50 Briton,Minstrel 632,917
Scout-Champions of the Realm
18) Notrace ToAIsAScam 50 Saracen,Scout 913,931
Scout-This Week's Champions
24) Notrace ToAIsAScam 50 Saracen,Scout RP: 24,918
Scout-I Remain Standing
17) Notrace ToAIsAScam 50 Saracen,Scout RP: 1,917
Sorcerer-Champions of the Realm
20) Ezone TheRedFlame 50 Avalonian,Sorcerer 478,949
Necromancer-Champions of the Realm
8) Larvae 50 Inconnu,Necromancer 294,260 9) Pandoramoore 50 Inconnu,Necromancer 289,623
Crafting Who's Uber