Who's Uber 08/24/04
RVR Who's Uber
Cleric-Champions of the Realm
11) Ppapared MyRezIsLikeWhoa 50 Highlander,Cleric 1,472,397
Cleric-This Week's Champions
17) Antiroleplay DrivesIntoAggro 50 Avalonian,Cleric RP: 15,721
Friar-This Week's Champions
8) Drisken Rezright 50 Briton,Friar RP: 13,021
Friar-I Remain Standing
8) Drisken Rezright 50 Briton,Friar RP: 521
Infiltrator-This Week's Champions
24) Escura Sombra 50 Briton,Infiltrator RP: 12,633
Infiltrator-I Remain Standing
23) Escura Sombra 50 Briton,Infiltrator RP: 665
Minstrel-Champions of the Realm
24) Akad Battery 50 Briton,Minstrel 738,989
Minstrel-This Week's Champions
3) Akad Battery 50 Briton,Minstrel RP: 84,431
Minstrel-I Remain Standing
6) Akad Battery 50 Briton,Minstrel RP: 1,964
Paladin-This Week's Champions
4) Vsem Mesv 50 Highlander,Paladin RP: 19,339
Paladin-I Remain Standing
7) Vsem Mesv 50 Highlander,Paladin RP: 691 8) Stormer Vakten 39 Highlander,Paladin RP: 144
Scout-Champions of the Realm
14) Notrace KilledThroughWalls 50 Saracen,Scout 1,088,198 21) Shiftorn 50 Saracen,Scout 799,769
Scout-This Week's Champions
2) Notrace KilledThroughWalls 50 Saracen,Scout RP: 135,562
Scout-I Remain Standing
11) Notrace KilledThroughWalls 50 Saracen,Scout RP: 2,947
Necromancer-Champions of the Realm
7) Pandoramoore 50 Inconnu,Necromancer 298,552 8) Larvae 50 Inconnu,Necromancer 294,260
Crafting Who's Uber
12) Kiltorn 50 Highlander,Armsman 1,151
10) Obscurity 20 Inconnu,Scout 1,080
11) Campus Stoneskin 50 Avalonian,Theurgist 1,031