Frontiers Open Beta! -- Posted by on 05/05/04 at 11:50 PM
Jeez I guess it's been a while huh? Well sorry for the lack of new posts. I've been playing around with City of Heroes and just have been neglecting the website. So you got to know is in open beta now. Head over to download the files needed to play. And then make sure to take a look at the pages for info to get going and to find out what to expect from the open beta.
Guild Meeting Sunday! -- Posted by on 04/16/04 at 1:05 AM
I've been putting off this post for to long. It's just that lot's of you guys are now hitting the forums, so you may already know about this. Anyway here is what had to say:Its that time again. AoD is having a guild meeting on Sunday, April 18th at 8:30pm Est. We will be meeting at the guild house and I hope to take no more than an hour or so. I'll try to not let it run as long as the last one. If you don't know where the guild house is just go to castle sauvage or the portal master in Goth and get the Guild Hearth passage item. That will port you to the guild house.
- Guild ML and ToA
- Guild RvR
- Do you know your guild crafters or future guild crafters?
- Useage of guild assets
Hope to see as many out there that can come! Also if there something you would like specifically added to the agenda, please post it here.
Side Note: I am going thru the roster again. If there are any toons older than 6 months being inactive, I'm going to AutoRemove them. This is in no way a kicking out of the guild but more of a clean up for those that have left the game and not coming back. If you have toons older than this just log them on so they are no longer appearing inactive. If I remove someone by accident then please give someone a tell and get added back in. If you are able to log in and have been gone for an extended period of time then please send me a PM so I can put them on a list to not be removed.
Officers: Please see that forum also! If the time or place changes I'll update this spot.
New Retail Expansion -- Posted by on 04/15/04 at 4:50 AM
According to this they are working on a new retail expansion set to come out this december. Here is a bit from the press release:“Catacombs deepens the world of Dark Age of Camelot by adding new content beneath Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard,” said Matt Firor, Vice President of Development and Executive Producer at Mythic Entertainment. “Instanced dungeons support a more casual gaming style by giving players exclusive play sessions for groups of all levels and abilities.”
Catacombs’ system of “player versus monster” instanced dungeons will allow more casual players of Dark Age of Camelot to quickly find and adventure in exciting and challenging areas geared to their level. By eliminating the need to search (and sometimes wait) for monster encounters, in Catacombs, players generate private adventuring areas for their groups on their schedule.
New technical features for Catacombs include:- Major art upgrade to Dark Age of Camelot player character models utilizing the EMotion FX 2 graphics engine that provides more detailed facial features, hairstyles, and skin tones as well as enhanced armor, clothing options and character animations.
- Instanced content will allow player groups to adventure in “private” dungeons.
New content for Catacombs includes:- Players can explore a new underground city for each Realm based on the backstory of one of the Realm’s underground player races. Each city leads to new dungeons, catacombs, enemies, loot and adventures.
- One new playable class for each Realm.
- Content will be provided for all character levels.
So does anyone think this will help?
1.69 is LIVE -- Posted by on 04/14/04 at 5:21 PM
This is a huge one folks. Lots of added features to the interface including, seeing all buffs of group mates, are just some of the advantages you will see.
Also, something they slipped in, anyone who is a complete 'newbie' to the game will see a selected server/realm that Mythic would like them to join. These realms will be the 'underdog' realm, according to Mythic, which as us on Bors know, Mythics judgement sucks on this topic.
Ding 50 Eoromir! -- Posted by on 04/13/04 at 11:36 PM
dinged 50 today. Congratulations to Eoromir on hitting 50. So make sure to give Eoromir a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
AoD weekly Comic Strip -- Posted by on 04/11/04 at 2:42 PM
As if you didnt know, DAoC is full of cheats, here is a few of most used.
Ding 50 Marvolo! -- Posted by on 04/10/04 at 10:18 AM
dinged 50 today. Congratulations to Marvolo on hitting 50. So make sure to give Marvolo a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
Woot Bors Albs! -- Posted by on 04/07/04 at 11:57 PM
Well the title is a little late. But thanks to we have this historic moment captured in a screen shot.