New Poll -- Posted by on 03/16/03 at 11:20 AM
Since the last poll was time based I have thrown up another. The question this time is Who is the better tank? Your choices are , , , and . I'm on the list for shits and giggles. If anyone else wants to be added to this poll just send me an e-mail or leave a message in the .
And a thanks to for thinking up this poll idea in this forum . For fairness I've added the results from that poll to this new one here.
Guild Raid Tonight -- Posted by on 03/15/03 at 12:11 PM
This is a reminder that at 6:00 pm est tonight Akad will be leading a Guild XP/Item Raid into Hoc. So if you want to go make sure to meet Akad at Sauvage. And everyone is welcome.
Housing Update -- Posted by on 03/15/03 at 11:00 AM
Over at the there is some new info on Player Housing. Here is a bit from the article:Finally, a note about scheduling - we're planning on having Housing up for testing on Pendragon in about a month, or mid-April. So don't get your hopes up. Here is the for the rest of the story. Bellow are the three shots of the housing interior. The shots are of the interiors for each realm, in the following order: Albs, Mids, and finally Hibs.
Ding 50 Larvae! -- Posted by on 03/14/03 at 12:53 PM
Larvae dinged 50. Congratulations to Larvae on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
Real Life Pics in Profiles -- Posted by on 03/13/03 at 5:51 AM
I can't remember if I mentioned this or not before. But you now have the option of uploading a real life picture of yourself. So far only two of us have taken advantage of this new feature.
, , , and are the four brave souls that have put their rl pics up with the in game ones. If you want to just go to the . If it's your first time just fill out the whole thing and hit submit. If you already have a profile just change the bits you want updated.
And if anyone has questions or comments on any of this profile stuff just send me an e-mail or leave a message in the .
Late Grab Bag -- Posted by on 03/12/03 at 12:16 AM
I seemed to have missed the new Grab Bag over at the when my net access was down at home. So here is just one question from the Grab Bag:Q: How does the Realm Ability "Avoidance of Magic" know the difference between "damage types of magic" and other forms of magic? As far as I can tell, all types of magic - cold, heat, spirit, matter, body, energy – have both damage spells and crowd control spells.
A: It’s bad phrasing in our documentation as opposed to an omniscient spell - Avoidance of Magic affects all spells. Click the Read Full Story link to read it all.
New Poll -- Posted by on 03/08/03 at 11:48 PM
Where would you like to go for a Guild XP/Item Raid? This is the new poll and a question Akad wants you to answer. To help you with your choice here are descriptions of these locals courtesy of Akad and :
Krondon is a large dungeon with lots of ogre type mobs there are many named mobs and the drop spawn in here is excellent for salvageable and useful items.
Hoc also has good item drops and excellent money it is a combination of all the dungeons in albland and is connected to the other frontier zones of uppland breifine. It is located by Surs.
Sidi is an epic dungeon with tons of high level epic mobs. Everything in that dungeon takes at least a few groups to kill, some stuff many groups. Drops are all epic 100% quality with their own special epic design and glow. This will be a Guild Event and if you pay attention you may have seen it in the calender. The 15th of this month is when this will happen. Starting at 6:00pm (est). Akad will be in charge of this event. After you vote in the poll give him a /tell in game or leave a message in this if you have any questions.
Realm Abilities Link -- Posted by on 03/06/03 at 6:04 PM
Here is a link to a page that explains just what the Realm Abilities are all about. It also breaks down the abilities by class. Go to read all about it.