More Screen Shots! -- Posted by on 12/15/02 at 7:38 PM
I have added a total of nine more screen shots to the screen shot . Thanks to Snowbound, Ppapa Red, Drisken, Compaq, and Genesis.
A Strange Picture -- Posted by on 12/14/02 at 11:41 PM
I have a new screen shot up. This one is unique. It needs a explanation. And a warning. When you click the small screen shot, the big picture is going to be positioned the wrong way. But it needs to be to really see the picture. The picture sent in by Genecis is of one of the new monsters which appears to have either a building in side of it, or the reflection of a building. Thanks for the pic Genecis.
**Update** Oops. It appears that I was going off of an assumption. Kiltorn left a in the forum explaining this screen shot:That pic that you had up is not one of the new creatures, its a BT being cast on him. And yes all of them show the exact same thing. I guess they cant actually get reflective surfaces to work on the BTs. Thanks for the info Kiltorn.
Site News -- Posted by on 12/14/02 at 6:50 AM
How is everyone this morning? If you take a look over on the left you will see the addition of a few more pages to the site.
First is the page. I think this one explains its self. So far it has info submitted by Kiltorn and Seviann. If you want something added here please post it in the .
Second is the help page. It has more than just slash commands. Default key bindings and emotes are also included. If I missed anything or something is wrong someone send me an e-mail.
Third is the page. This gives the definitions for some common slang used within the game. Once again if something is wrong or you want to add to the list, send me an e-mail. The e-mail address is if you didn't know.
Dragons! -- Posted by on 12/13/02 at 8:17 PM
Snowbound sent me these two pics showing off one of the dragons in the game. Very neat. One day I hope my main is high enough a level to look that bad boy in the eye.
A reminder please. If you send me some stuff please give me your Character name and the location. Keep it coming. Also please go to the and . We have some talks going on about what we need to do with this site. We are also looking for your RVR tactics for a page here at the site. So please go and enlighten us low level characters with your insight.
See you all in the game.
New Emotes -- Posted by on 12/13/02 at 6:52 AM
Seviann pointed out over at the that we need a page detailing emotes and game lingo. So here are the new emotes from the most recent patch:
/hug - self-explanatory. /charge - onward! /no - shake your head. /yes - nod your head. /raise - raise your hand, as in volunteering or getting attention. /shrug - shrug your shoulders. /slap - slap someone. /slit - let your enemy know what you want to do to him. /surrender - I give up! Give me some time and I will have up a decent page with info on emotes, commom game slang, and slash commands.
I also want to welcome Seviann and the rest of his guild-mates form Sanguis Fidelis who merged in with our guild.
E-Mail Me Your Screens! -- Posted by on 12/12/02 at 10:31 AM
I just had a great screenshot sent to me from Jazzmine showing about 40 people fighting in the Ogre Dungeon. It's just above this post. Click it to make it bigger.
So if anyone has a screenshot or art work send it to me, the e-mail address is .
We Want Your Ideas! -- Posted by on 12/11/02 at 11:52 PM
Ppapared stopped into the and posted this topic: . So if you have any ideas or suggestions for our website please stop by and leave a comment in this thread in the forum.
Need Armor? -- Posted by on 12/10/02 at 4:13 PM
Kiltorn stopped by the today asking people to post in this if they need armor made. So stop by if you need armor and leave a message for Kiltorn.