Patch Notes -- Posted by on 01/07/03 at 2:20 PM
Here are the 1.58 patch notes. Click Read Full Story to see the gritty details.
Guild News -- Posted by on 01/06/03 at 3:16 AM
Wow I forgot all about this, we have an ad up at the site . Grail News is a great news site for finding out what's going on with the game we play. Thanks need to go to Seviann (for pointing this site out) and Maia (for accepting the ad). Our ad will run till around the 10th of this month. It's nothing fancy, the same image of me thats on the top of every page here. Go take a look before it's gone. And welcome from everyone here at the Acolytes Of Destruction to anyone hitting this site from the Grail News ad.
Scam Alert -- Posted by on 01/05/03 at 2:49 AM
Here is another scam alert from Sanya right off of the :We got another scammer out there, gang - he is using the email address daoc.csr.lariden@carmail.com and asking you to email him your account name and password. We don't use "carmail" - and no one from Mythic will ever contact you and ask you for your password. (Just to be 100% clear: The only times we "ask" you for your password are a) when you log in to the game, and b) when you are logging in to customer services.) So, if you sent this scumbag any information, change your password and call us right away. So consider yourself warned.
Guild Meeting -- Posted by on 01/02/03 at 3:03 PM
Right from the and from Ppapared himself comes news of the next guild meeting:We are going to holding a Guild Meeting on Sunday the 12th of January at 6:30PM. As of today ( the 2nd of January ), this gives about a week and a half to spread the word and to find out if a lot of people have a conflict with this posted time. If this not a good time, we will move it to Monday the 13th of January at 9:30PM.
Topics to be covered: - The posting of the final Ranking system - How promotions are going to be handled - Recruiting new members - Setting up of raids and PLing sessions - Any issues you can think of or any issues you have with AoD.
So jot down any ideas you have or anything you would like to bring up. We will handle key issues at the beginning of the meeting and then we will open up the floor to general discuss. So if you have any questions or comments about the upcoming meeting stop by the and leave a reply to Ppapared message.
Scam Alert -- Posted by on 12/31/02 at 4:41 AM
There are a few words of warning from the early this morning regarding a bogus Dark Age of Camelot 2 beta. Here is what Sanya had to say:Dark Age of Camelot 2? No such thing, y'all. Read on:
Some people had too much time on their hands this week. They stole our graphics and layout (something they will live to regret in the near future, I have a feeling) and slapped up a website that looks official... asking you to fill out a form with your account name and password. If you do this, you'll get into DAOC2's beta! Or, more likely, you'll find your account stolen and stripped.
If you went there and filled it in with your information, change your password right away and send us an email letting us know what happened at . Don't feel silly, just protect yourself. So if you saw this site please be aware this is a scam.
Player Leveling -- Posted by on 12/31/02 at 4:29 AM
I was thinking since I seem to be the perpetual mid level guy in the guild that I should act as the player leveling guy for you guildies lower than me. At present I'm at level 31.
If your interested at a chance for some leveling please respond . For you guys that have done this kind of thing before please leave any tips on good spots to pl at.
I'm thinking the Catacombs of Cordova because the mobs down there are any were from yellow to red to me. Also spread the word if you know of anyone looking for an opportunity to get some pl time.
I would like to set a schedule for this and am open for times. I realize we just got over x-mas and New Years is here. I work tonight again and then I'm off for the next three to four days off. On days I work you can catch me on around 11pm to 6 am, when I get home I can be on any time from 8am till noon. So if these times are good let me know. Again the times can be adjusted. So let me know what works for you.
If I don't see the majority of you guys online please have a safe and happy new year.
New Grab Bag -- Posted by on 12/28/02 at 6:21 AM
Last night was friday and that means a new Grab Bag at the . Click the Read Full Story link to find the questions Sanya answered.
Site News -- Posted by on 12/26/02 at 8:01 AM
How was everyones holidays? I just wanted to pop in and tell everyone that the is fixed so it's not so confusing. Just find your shot on your hard drive and that's it.