Ding 50 Kazoor! -- Posted by on 09/30/03 at 9:45 PM
dinged 50. Congratulations to Kazoor on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
Guild PL Marathon -- Posted by on 09/28/03 at 5:47 AM
Ok heres the deal, I'm off the next four days. So the next four days I'm going to be doing a PL event. Time will be up in the air until I know for sure people want to do this.
Keep in mind I'm only a level 45 merc and not an uber pling machine necro. So anyone who has suggestions on where to do this at please let me know. Level wise all are welcome. I'm currently kicking around the idea of doing this in the Barrows, but as I said suggestions are welcome.
I'll be logged on around 8:30 am (that's central time) or so in the morning. So I guess those who want to can meet me at West Downs or just send me a /tell or ask for me in Guild Chat. Hopefully I'll see you guys in the morning. Head over to forum for comments or questions.
How to kill the Dragon. -- Posted by on 09/28/03 at 5:31 AM
Want to know how to kill the Alb Dartmoor Dragon with only 25 people? Head on over to the forum thread to find out how.
Gratz Chopsalot on LGM -- Posted by on 09/17/03 at 3:01 AM
After many hours staring at a green bar building up in front of him Chopsalot () has finally hit Legendary GrandMaster Alchemist.
Happy Birthday Zarine -- Posted by on 09/12/03 at 12:08 AM
posted a Happy Birthday thread in the forum for Zarine. So everyone go and wish Zarine a Happy Birthday or send Zarine a /tell in game.
Sad News -- Posted by on 09/09/03 at 10:34 AM
I have never had to deal with this kind of situation. Not in this virtual world we all play in. I'm kind of at a loss for words. Here is what sad news had to deliver in the this morning:For those of you who were wondering where Marisin has been these last couple months (or even remember he was in the guild) his name was Scott Maddox, and he has been in the hospital with some serious health problems. He died today. I got the call at about 9:30am, and I don't know the details yet, but there you are. I really don't know what to say. Marisin was a great guy. He was one of the few guildies I truly looked forward to talking to online. I didn't know him that long. But in the time I had to pleasure to know the man, I know that logging in to DAoC now knowing he will not ever be there again to exchange witty comments with; well it saddens me in a way that I just don't have the words to explain.
Please take a chance to stop by the forum . Leave a few kind words. Tell a story about the man named Scott Maddox who you may or may not have known as Marisin. Also if you have the time and you want to know more about the man behind Marisin, stop by Scott's . When more info comes my way I will post it here. **Update** If anyone would like to send a card or whatever you feel is appropriate, the address to mail or have stuff mailed is below:Scott Maddox Dorrell Funeral Home 605 North Washington Ludington, MI 49431 And thanks for the comments so far in the forum thread. You guys are the best.
ToA Beta Contest -- Posted by on 09/09/03 at 12:34 AM
Woot two posts in one day! This is a case of "I'm sure you know this already", but in case you don't know there is a contest running over at the Herald. Head over to this Herald to get your chance to win a beta account for the new expansion that is in the works. Here are the rules and fine print type of stuff:- One new riddle will appear each business day in Atlantean. You can find hints to decipher this "language" on the home page. Hint - run your mouse over some of the links on the left side!
- Once you decipher the riddle, figure out the best solution. Fill out the form completely. Please, one entry per account. Multiple entries for the same puzzle will be deleted.
- The first person to send us the correct translation AND riddle solution will be the day's winner, and receive a Trials of Atlantis beta account.
- We understand that there may be more than one answer to a particular riddle, although we've tried to avoid that problem. The official winner is the one who submits the solution on our answer key.
- Limit one prize per person, although previous winners are welcome to continue playing just for bragging rights.
- In order to use the beta, you will need to have an active account.
So put on your thinking caps and get cracking on the decoding.
Grab Bag -- Posted by on 09/09/03 at 12:23 AM
Here is Fridays Grab Bag. I'm sure you all have seen it already, but I figured I would put it up any way, just to show I'm still here. Here is a small clip:Q: I tried to submit my beta test application, and it said I already submitted! Is this because I answered the riddle?
A: No. The application was bugged, briefly – if you got that message and you KNOW you didn't sign up, try again. Be sure to check with well meaning spouses and roommates who may have signed you up, thinking you might not get a chance to do so. Click the Read Full Story link below to read it all.