Forum Up -- Posted by on 11/01/03 at 6:25 AM
Everything is running pretty good. There are a number of new options and a true user control panel. I still have to add some of the other mods I had installed on the forum. Not sure if all of them will return. I know Kiltorn will be sad his buddy Potzer the bot is gone. Also there is only one template to choose from now. It's just easier to upgrade if I use the default template. I'll kee p you all posted if any thing changes. Have fun in Atlantis while I'm working.
Ding 50 Biggistpun! -- Posted by on 10/28/03 at 12:31 AM
dinged 50. Congratulations to Biggistpun on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
New Race Stats -- Posted by on 10/26/03 at 12:08 AM
Just on the chance you missed this over on the Herald the other day, here are the stats on the new races for each side:Shar Stats: Str - 60 Con - 80 Dex - 50 Qui - 50 Int - 60 Pie - 60 Emp - 60 Cha - 60
| Frostalf Stats: Str - 55 Con - 55 Dex - 55 Qui - 60 Int - 60 Pie - 75 Emp - 60 Cha - 60 | Half-Ogre Stats: Str - 90 Con - 70 Dex - 40 Qui - 40 Int - 60 Pie - 60 Emp - 60 Cha - 60
It will be fun to see all the /level Half Ogre's running around once the expansion is on store shelves.
Trials of Atlantis, an Overview -- Posted by on 10/23/03 at 9:03 PM
The Trials of Atlantis The civilization of Atlantis was long-lived and prosperous. Their achievements in magical technology were unmatched among the ancient kingdoms of the world. With their magical supremacy, the Atlanteans spread throughout the world, interacting with (and conquering) other peoples as necessary. The Atlanteans fully shared their knowledge of magic to other peoples, but only if those others were deemed worthy. To assess the worthiness of a culture, a series of Trials were created. Anyone that successfully completed these trials was granted insight into the powerful Atlantean magic.
To create the Trials, the Atlanteans built separate planes of existence and populated them with monsters and beasts taken from the many different cultures they had encountered in their expansion. The lands and beasts of the Trials were bound by magic to play specific roles in the Trials.
The Atlanteans knew that their civilization would not last forever, and they built their Trials to last for centuries even after Atlantis faded from the face of the earth. With this foresight, through the use of the Trials they could continue to spread the knowledge of their magical power - even long after they themselves ceased to exist
Bye Bye Relics -- Posted by on 10/21/03 at 5:05 AM
As you may have noticed by now, you spells dont pack as much punch as they have for the last three weeks. This is because Sunday night in a joint effort between Mids and Hibs, the Power Relics have been returned to Hibernia. The final number of attackers reported at the relic keep was about 235.
Extra Patch Files -- Posted by on 10/18/03 at 7:54 AM
Over at the they had this small blurb worth mentioning again:Starting this afternoon (and there will be several more installments), we're going to be putting small downloads onto the patcher. These files are for players with the Shrouded Isles and Classic clients, so those customers will be able to see armors and equipment from the Trials after launch day. We're doing the small downloads now, to prevent a giant pileup on TOA launch day.
If you are a Classic client only customer, you'll download about 4 MB when the patcher returns. Shrouded Isles players will have about 7 MB. I didn't even catch it when I patched the other day. And it sounds like this may happen the next few patches before the second expansion is out.
Grab Bag -- Posted by on 10/18/03 at 7:50 AM
There was a new Grab Bag yesterday. Click the Read Full Story link to read it all.
The Inishail Island breakdown -- Posted by on 10/09/03 at 1:56 AM
So you want to explore the new Island in SI, let me tell you whats there. There is a single quest you can get, starts about lvl 39 for first half, then again in upper 40s for second half. Starts in SE corner, and you go to the NW corner three times to finish it all. Other than that you have the Epic mob, shown below. Nothing else really going on, big square with a marsh in the middle.