Looky here, Looky here -- Posted by on 12/11/03 at 1:38 AM
Shift gets some new gear. Shift showing off his latest Artifact the Cyclops Eye Shield.
Future of DAoC from Mark Jacobs -- Posted by on 12/10/03 at 9:21 AM
It’s the holiday season, and I want to wish everybody who sees this message a happy holiday. I have a lot of news to share with the community, and I hope that the community sees this message as a special and unexpected holiday announcement from Mythic.
First, let's take a quick look at what's going on in the world of Camelot and Mythic. I’m happy to report that as of December 1st, our US server subscriber base is higher than a year ago at this time, and our subscriber base for our European partners is growing steadily as well. So, from a purely business standpoint, Mythic is better off today than it was this same time last year.
RVR expansion infomation released -- Posted by on 12/10/03 at 9:17 AM
It is time to officially take the wraps off our next big project, codenamed "Frontiers". This is Dark Age of Camelot’s long-awaited RvR overhaul; where we take the lessons we’ve learned from the last two years of RvR combat and make appropriate changes. This will be a free expansion, available via download. It is currently scheduled to go into a limited beta in February.
Weekly comic strip! -- Posted by on 12/07/03 at 4:44 AM
You've got to be kidding, at least I know I am.
Ding One Year -- Posted by on 12/07/03 at 4:27 AM
Well the current guild site hits the one year mark. It been a lot of fun the past year doing the site. I look forward to another year (playing whatever game it may be) with you guys. Below is how the site looked in the beginning:
It hasn't changed to drastically since the beginning. Just minor changes in the layout. I also got to thank everyone for submitting and . I also want to thank for the wonderful Guild Emblem up top on the left and the funny ads that run on the top right and bottom side on the right. Kiltorn has also stepped in and posted news items now and then the last few months. I also want to thank for giving me the chance to do this in the first place.
I'll see you all in game (or in the ). If you want to leave a question, comment, or request about the Guild website stop by this forum .
Ding 50 Axelblake! -- Posted by on 12/04/03 at 9:51 PM
dinged 50. Congratulations to Axelblake on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
Guess what Shifts doing. -- Posted by on 12/04/03 at 1:33 AM
Take a look at this pic and guess what it is that Shiftorn is doing. You must leave a message with what is going, first to answer correctly wins a prize.