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ToA Is Gold! -- Posted by Turk on 10/08/03 at 11:38 PM [Edit]
Trials of Atlantis has gone gold. You can read all about in this press release from Mythic. It should be out by the end of the month.
1.65 Patch Notes -- Posted by Turk on 10/08/03 at 2:50 PM [Edit]
It's live! And it's a big one. Click the Read More link to read it all.
Read Full Story...
Preview of 1.65 -- Posted by Kiltorn on 10/05/03 at 7:51 AM [Edit]
With the next patch due out this coming week, I thought it be a good idea to give you a taste of whats instore.

First up is the new Keep layouts. The inner door has been moved to the base of the tower. Along with this move, 2 doors on the upper ramparts have been added. These upper doors can not be harmed, just like at the Relic keeps. Except you can double click on them, if it is your keep, to port to the inside. The First door and the new lower Tower door both require Gatekeepers to pass through.
adv.jpg adx.jpg
Also in this patch is the Listed Spells for all spell casting classes. These Listed Spells follow along the lines of the old Caster only lines to include anyone who has a spec line of spells to have them listed in the correct fields. They have also included a lvl indicater next to the spell, to tell you when it was recieved.
adw.jpg ajr.jpg
And just for fun, a glimpes into are soon to be allies, the half-ogres. And let me tell you, they are just so . . . . ugly, cant wait to meet one.
ajs.jpg afn.jpg
New Guildie -- Posted by Turk on 10/04/03 at 6:22 AM [Edit]
I don't usually do a "welcome new guild member" post, just for the fact it's hard to know when new people join. But someone was brought to my attention that I had to comment on.

We have a new guildie named Darktopolis. Now I heard through the grape vine he was debating on joining one of two guilds. Us or another guild. I heard he picked our guild because of our website. Now you can see why I brought this up?

Besides the boost to my ego, I really wanted to just say thanks for the praise. I mean that. It's pretty cool when one of the deciding factors of joining the guild is based on it's website. And as being the guy who does all this website stuff it's very cool to hear something like this.

So welcome to the guild and I hope you find your fellow guildies as cool as this website.
Gratz Albs -- Posted by Kiltorn on 10/04/03 at 5:29 AM [Edit]
Gratz Albs for taking all 3 power relics, in an early morning raid. This marks the first time Albs have claimed all 3 relics of the same type.
Ding 50 Midsnhibs! -- Posted by Turk on 10/03/03 at 11:20 PM [Edit]
Midsnhibs dinged 50. Congratulations to Midsnhibs on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
Ding 50 Mordilus! -- Posted by Kiltorn on 10/03/03 at 6:22 AM [Edit]
Mordilus just dinged 50. Congratulations to Mordilus on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
Ding 50 Vespasian! -- Posted by Turk on 10/02/03 at 12:01 PM [Edit]
Vespasian just dinged 50. Congratulations to Vespasian on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
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