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WoW Stress Test Beta! -- Posted by Turk on 08/27/04 at 2:46 AM [Edit]
So I'm sure most of you know that I'm in the World of Warcraft beta. If you didn't sign up or have yet to be chosen I have good news for you. Blizzard will be having a huge stress test in a short while and you all have a chance to try WoW. As it is now if your a paid member of the Gamespy/FilePlanet/IGN premium services you get automatically accepted into this stress test. If your not you can take your chances like in the beta. But it's only 7.90 to sign up. And just get into the stress test and then cancel. Here is the info from the WoW Beta Site:
In order to evaluate World of Warcraft's account-creation process and server performance under heavy loads, Blizzard will be conducting a seven-day stress test beta in the days ahead. This test will require over 100,000 players to download the World of Warcraft stress test beta client, create an account, and log on to play when the test goes live!

To make the client available for download to such a large audience, we have partnered with FilePlanet, GameSpy's Web-based file-delivery service. Click here to learn more about the World of Warcraft stress test beta and to sign up for a chance to participate in this special event.
Head over to this forum post for more info and to find a FAQ on this FilePlanet stress test.
1.71 Patch Notes -- Posted by Turk on 08/25/04 at 12:23 AM [Edit]
So another big patch. Here are the patch notes for this one. Here is the mandatory little bit from it:
This version encapsulates many new changes and features geared towards addressing issues with the game's leveling system, population balance and Realm vs. Realm combat, and the grouping system. The following items are just some of the many changes you will find detailed in this patch. You will find specifics on these items under the NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES section, later in this patch note.
And as always hit the Read Full Story link to see it all.
Read Full Story...
The Late Who's Uber -- Posted by Turk on 08/24/04 at 1:20 AM [Edit]
I'm running really behind this time. Sorry for the wait for anyone that checks these out. Here is the new one. And as the usual these list were taken from the Herald pages for class/crafting as of 12:15 am cst on August 24th 2004. Grats to everybody on the list.
Ding 50 Drisken! -- Posted by Turk on 08/24/04 at 12:25 AM [Edit]
Drisken dinged 50! Woot! Congrats buddy! Everyone when you get a chance send Drisken a /tell in game wishing him congratulations for hitting 50. I knew you would make it man.
Changing of leadership in AoD -- Posted by Turk on 08/23/04 at 12:16 AM [Edit]
Here is a message from Ppapa left in the forum:
Hiyas all,

As most of you have noticed, I have not been playing a whole heck of alot lately. This is due primarily in part to taking on a lot more in real life that has pulled me a way from being able to play as much as I use to. Also I've gotten a little burnt out on playing so I also decided to take a few steps back as to not become totally disenfranchised with it. In doing so I haven't been able to support the guild in a manner I see fit as being GM of our great guild. After talking with a few yall and getting some responds on my current take on the game, I have decided to step down from being the GM and promote Anitroleplay to the position and all of her toons she sees fit to hold this role.

Anti has been a constant source of positive energy in the guild and gone out of her way to make everyone feel a part of the guild when she can. A majority of her time is spent helping others and doing things that may not be as productive to her in-game time as she would like but never complains about it. I hope all welcome her to her new position with open hearts. I know she will make a great GM and make our guild better than its ever been.

This will be effective immediately or as soon as I can get in game with her to do the promotes :P

I don't plan on completely leaving the game for now but in what little time I have played I felt like you all deserved more than I was giving. Anti is this person to give this to you all. Have fun out there and see yall in game.
Congrats to Anti on this promotion! When you get in game make sure to say hello to your new leader.
Anti's Comic -- Posted by Turk on 08/18/04 at 5:10 PM [Edit]
Here is Anti's second comic and she ponders the question of when she will get time for herself?
Who's Uber -- Posted by Turk on 08/16/04 at 2:52 AM [Edit]
Ok here it is the new and improved Who's Uber. Now with crafting uberness. As usual here is the disclaimer: these lists are taken from the Camelot Herald at 2:30 am cst on August 16th 2004. You can find all the previous weeks Who's Uber right here in the Who's Uber Archive.
AoD Weekly Comic Strip -- Posted by Kiltorn on 08/15/04 at 11:23 AM [Edit]
Burned out is an understatement
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