Camelot's Future -- Posted by on 04/09/03 at 1:19 AM
The has an article up called that details some of the changed and fixes Mythic has in store for the game. Here is a snip regarding housing:Status on Housing: we are getting ready to take Housing into beta on Pendragon next week. We've been working very hard on this, and think we have a great, flexible, housing system that players who want to have their own space in the game will love. Also mentioned was the fact that they are also working on getting all of the level 50's their "free mid-level characters", but nothing specific was said on that issue.
Guild Event-Salvage Day -- Posted by on 04/08/03 at 11:42 PM
will be running a Salvage Day each Wednesday from 7-8pm. Here is what he said (and it is in the ):Each Wednesday I will be in Gothwaite (SI) by the portal available for salvage for one hour from 7-8PM. I will take up to 4 items a time from each person. This way I can cycle through each person at least once during that hour if it's busy. If I get through everyone or there is only one person I'll start at the top of the order and take another batch of 4 items. I will not wait for you if it's 7:54PM and won't get there till after 8PM. I finish the last batch of stuff and end at 8PM. If you don't have SI go to the portal in Avalon and I'll jump through to get your stuff. So if you have any questions stop by this in the forum.
Guild Meeting -- Posted by on 04/07/03 at 7:49 PM
Over in the forum has a announcing the next guild meeting. Here is what he said:We will be having a meeting on Sunday, April 13th at 7:00PM Est. Location will be the vault at Sauvage. Topics to be discussed will be announce later. Also a good time to clean out your vaults of junk. If you got some items that may help any in the lower levels, this would be a good time to give them away. I know I got some necro cloth and a couple staffs that have been collecting dust. So if you have any questions, comments, or concerns head over to the thread.
1.61 Patch Notes -- Posted by on 04/01/03 at 9:36 AM
Here are the 1.61 patch notes. I got to make this quick because I want to log back onto Pellinor so I can stay ahead of the rest of them. Here is what Sanya had to say:As you can tell, the emphasis this patch was on making improvements to underutilized zones, items, interface improvements, and other user-friendly content things for all our players. By the way - in the frontiers itemization note, please note that guards are not technically monsters, and thus drop only coin. Click the Read Full Story link to get it all.
Grab Bag -- Posted by on 03/30/03 at 6:11 PM
The had a new Grab Bag and I almost missed it. Here it is better late than never. Here is the blurb:This week's grab bag consists of general announcements instead of the miz of questions and announcements you are used to. Click the Read Full Story link to see it all.
By the way, I'm still alive and playing the game. I just have been working a lot. I have six days in a row right now and at ten hours a pop I go to bed and sleep all day when I get home. I'm off starting tomorrow so I'll be back in the game then.
Ding 50 Outkastn! -- Posted by on 03/24/03 at 6:08 PM
Outkastn dinged 50. Congratulations to Outkastn on hitting 50. So make sure to give him a /tell in game wishing him a grats.
Welcome Sub Guilds -- Posted by on 03/23/03 at 3:29 PM
We now have some new member's to the ever growing Guild we have. A few of our uber level 50 member's have gone off to the world of Hibernia and Midgard to take a look at how the other side lives.
We now have three sub guilds now and three forums to go with them. The two new guild's are called (), (), and ().The forum links take you to the respective forums of these guilds. Clicking on the name of the guild will take you to the Herald roster.
I want to welcome everyone from the new sub guilds that are new to our ever growing family. If anyone has comments or questions about this website please e-mail me or post in the forums.
New Herald Section -- Posted by on 03/18/03 at 11:07 PM
The has a new section called . is the Herald's new post explaining what this new section is all about. Here is bit from the article:Direction Finder What would a map feature on the internet be without a direction finder? You can enter your starting point and your destination, and Map-A-Lot will return to you a set of directions that will show you step by step how to travel. These directions can be printed out as well. I've tried it out and it's kind of interesting. I love this nice little disclaimer you get with the directions:The management kindly requests that the traveller accept the responsibility for his own safety. Many destinations may have beasts with large pointy teeth or other types of tourist trap. All in all, it's a little handy. Be sure to note the little mock ads that run on the bottom and the sides of the Map-a-lot pages.