Character Profiles -- Posted by on 12/24/02 at 10:37 AM
is the newest section of the site. This allows you to upload your info so it can be displayed. The way it is now the information collected is: Character Name, Real Name, Character Class, Alts, E-mail, Armorcrafting, Weaponcrafting, Tailoring, Fletching, Spellcrafting, Alchemy, and a Bio. You also have the option to upload a screenshot of your character or a real life pic, your choice. Unlike the current page there is no hassle for uploading you picture. Just find the file and once you have your info inputed just hit submit. I am going to fix the so that it is as easy.
Also thanks to Ppapared there is a that explains the realm ranks.
The New Picture Upload -- Posted by on 12/23/02 at 2:37 AM
Ok I figured out a way to make uploading your screenshots an almost totally pain free experience. Check out the new and give it a try. I have include a very long-winded set of instructions on this page, with some luck it will all make sense. The highlights of this approach is that the news posting script makes the thumbnails for your pictures automatically.
Here are two screens from a long time ago. Probably a year ago at least. I'm not even sure if most of the people in these two shots are in the guild still. I believe they are from one of the only RVR trips I went on.
A note to Snowbound. I'm got your pics, you caught me being lazy. I'll throw them up when I get home. Sorry for leaving you hanging Snowbound.
So try it out if you have some good shots. For now they won't appear right away in the page. But don't worry it works. Give me some time to figure out the best way to do this. Questions or comments as always can go to my e-mail:.
One other thing, I've added a for anyone who needs help or wants to give it.
Spellcrafting -- Posted by on 12/22/02 at 1:18 AM
I want to throw out a big thanks to Merladus Omega for helping me out with some Spellcrafting business. Which brings me to mentioning the post in our forum by Sithien called . Sithien includes a few links to Spellcrafting resources, so make sure to check out his post. So if you can catch either Merladus or Sithien online give them a /tell to find out what they can do for you.
Proposed Change To The Guild Rankings -- Posted by on 12/21/02 at 6:11 AM
Ok folks we need your input on the change to the way guild ranks work. Here is the new way ranking will work as proposed by Hansdevauld:Rank-0 Whatever title Ppap wishes to call himself Rank-1 Chamberlain Rank-2 Grand Marshall Rank-3 Knight General Rank-4 Knight Commander Rank-5 Knight Rank-6 Squire Rank-7 Seargent Rank-8 Page Rank-9 Recruit
Ppap has suggested that he wants a council of advisors at the top lvl below him but hasn't chosen a name yet for them. I think Farce is on track with a catchy title that would be fitting and show honor to those chosen. I still think that every rank should have a specific duty to fulfill for the guild for their rank......gives ppap a way to delegate authority so that guild can always function with only few logged on at any time. Everyone would know what to do and what their job was in guild. Including those that want and ask for promotions.....then we could match that person to the rank and duties and see if they could fulfill them....which would help us determine if they were qualified. So what do you think? Head over to the with any questions or for your chance at input. There is a specific for this topic. It has a poll as well, so cast your vote.
New Grab Bag -- Posted by on 12/21/02 at 1:29 AM
The has a new grab bag up. To read the q and a by Sanya just click the Read Full Story link right below.
From The Herald -- Posted by on 12/20/02 at 2:16 AM
Here are a few things I missed while I spent the last couple of days x-mas shopping. The posted this about the hours of operation for support:Here are the hours of operation for the upcoming holiday season. These hours ONLY effect Technical and Billing - e-mail and telephone support.
Christmas Eve: 11am - 3:30pm Eastern.
Christmas Day: Closed.
New Years Eve: 11am - 8pm Eastern (regular hours).
New Years Day: Closed.
Again - this is only in regards to Technical and Billing Support. In-Game support is not effected by this, and CSRs will be online and ready to help you throughout the holiday season. There was also a post about some read file fixes, click Read Full Story to read.
Bugged Screenshots -- Posted by on 12/18/02 at 12:44 PM
Here are two pics sent in by Mersh showing a few bugs caught in game. The first pic shows Shiftorn is holding an arrow in his hand, while running around. The Second pic is of Kiltorn actually in his fighting stance without any weapons. Thanks for the screens Mersh.
Windowed Mode Coming? -- Posted by on 12/16/02 at 5:48 PM
I saw this over at the an article called . I think this would be pretty neat if they make this change. Here is a snip:"If the majority of our community feels strongly enough to let us know that it favors having the ability to run DAoC in a windowed mode, we will enable it for DAoC. This change will also allow people who are running DAoC full screen to alt-tab and DAoC will be properly minimized to the taskbar." I'm all for it because it would make updating this site a snap. What do the rest of you feel about this? Go post your thoughts in the forum.