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Happy Birthday -- Posted by Turk on 01/23/03 at 1:18 AM [Edit]
I have a small announcement for today. It's Hrulfgar's birthday today. So if you see him in the game wish him a Happy Birthday.

Also don't forget that it's patch day also. The severs go down at 8:00 AM EST. Here is a small bit of info that has some angered:
After looking at all the feedback and talking to various players, we've decided to not include the cleric changes in 1.59. As the changes are, they seem to be somewhat overpowering, so we need to be a little cautious. We appreciate all the help testing this patch. We are still going to look at the clerics, and we're still going to work with our various cleric friends, we're just not sure that this was the best thing we could do.
I'll have the 1.59 patch notes up as soon as the patch is live. And Happy Birthday Hrulfgar!
New Poll -- Posted by Turk on 01/22/03 at 5:43 AM [Edit]
The results of the last poll are in. Here are the results:
Is Untouchable the sexiest armsman alive?
Total votes:32
I've heard talk in the Forum of cheating and I want to say I'm shocked anyone would cheat in the polls for or against the poll question. Shocked I say. Anyway we have a new poll running asking the question "Is Hopwil Uber?" So make sure to go and vote. And I don't want to hear about anyone cheating.
Still Here! -- Posted by Turk on 01/21/03 at 12:11 AM [Edit]
Heyas to everyone. Sorry I have let the site go with out any updates. First up I want to thank everyone who's done a profile. And we have quite a few in the last couple of days. For those of you who have yet to get a picture with your profile please send me a pic to my e-mail (if you have a good one) or try to get me in the game and I'll take a shot and upload it. Also remember if you need anything changed in a profile please send it to me in an e-mail.

I also wanted to post up the "Semi-Final Draft" of the new guild rankings. This is what it looks like it's going to be, so if anyone has questions please go to the Forum to comment. Hit the Read Full Story link to get it all.
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State of the Game -- Posted by Turk on 01/15/03 at 11:35 PM [Edit]
Ok here is a "State of the Game" from Mythic's Mark Jacobs with info on what's ahead for the next year. Click Read Full Story to find out what's going to happen.
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A Special Picture -- Posted by Turk on 01/14/03 at 4:22 PM [Edit]
Here is a neat one Kiltorn sent my way. It's an animated gif he made, but the big one does weigh in at 1.52mb. So if your on dial up you have been warned. Check it out.
Cool Link -- Posted by Turk on 01/14/03 at 4:22 AM [Edit]
A few of our Guildmates have put togethor a pretty cool site everyone shold go take a look at. Clashandius and Davaelis (aka Gholis Kor) have a site called Touring Albion. Be sure to take a look at the Tour Gallery because they have some very good stuff in there. Go take a look.
New Grab Bag -- Posted by Turk on 01/12/03 at 5:07 AM [Edit]
I missed the new grab bag while I had a bit of flu. Click the Read Full Story link.
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New RVR Tactics -- Posted by Turk on 01/09/03 at 6:52 AM [Edit]
A few more tips from our RVR experts have made it into the Forum and I have finally put them into the RVR Tactics page here at the site. Remember if you have something you want on the RVR page please go and post your RVR Tactics in the RVR Forum.
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