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Guild vault, clean out. -- Posted by Kiltorn on 12/01/03 at 2:29 PM [Edit]
As I warned those on Friday and Saturday, if there was something in the guild vault, you should have picked it up. I have taken all that, which I considered junk and sold/salvaged it back into guild house rent. However its not completely cleaned out. There are new items handed down from the officer vault into the guild vault. So go have a look and take what you can use.
Happy Thanksgiving! -- Posted by Turk on 11/27/03 at 3:36 AM [Edit]
Just a little note here for everyone to have a good turkey day. Try not to over do it on the turkey.
Shift gets an Artifact. -- Posted by Kiltorn on 11/23/03 at 7:17 AM [Edit]
Congratz goes out to Shift for getting his first Artifact. I see more Artifacts in AoDs future.
Ppapa gets first artifact. -- Posted by Kiltorn on 11/21/03 at 9:03 PM [Edit]
Gratz goes out to Ppapa for getting his hands on AoDs first activated Artifact. Im sure hes going to have loads of fun leveling up this little goody.
New ToA teleporters -- Posted by Kiltorn on 11/21/03 at 8:27 PM [Edit]
Tired of riding the boat from Haven to Haven? Then visit your local Djinn porter today!

You can now port to any Haven to each other Haven. Seems Mythic figured out that having to take a ride somewhere isnt very pratical. Now will they just give us insta portals to Lyonesse from Snow? You never know.

Every Djinn stone can also transport you to Castle Sauvage.
Guild Skin -- Posted by Turk on 11/19/03 at 6:25 AM [Edit]
So Trials of Atlantis has been out for a while and I've been interested in the new custom skin feature. I'm sure more than a few of you that have the new expansion have seen some of the things that are capable. I have played around with it just a little bit modifying a skin that someone else did. Below are two screens showing what I did:
agp.jpg agq.jpg
You can download this "Aod" skin right here. You just need to unzip the file into your ui folder (C:\Mythic\Atlantis\ui) and make sure to keep the directory structure intact. Remember you need Trials of Atlantis to use this or any other skins. Also keep in mind unzipping this into your camelot ui folder will overwrite any other mods you have.

Now if this wets your whistle and you want to find more or try your hand at modifying or creating your own skin the following links will get you going.

First up is the ToA XML User Interface Documentation from the Herald that explains the details of how this all works. If this is a little to much for you there are a couple of good skin/ui sites. The first one is called DAoC Mods and it is the best of these sites. The other one is here, but it doesn't have the same number of mods and isn't updated as often. Finally there is the IGN Skinning Forum which is a great place to discuss and find out about the future of skinning for Dark Age of Camelot.
News From The Herald -- Posted by Turk on 11/11/03 at 1:49 AM [Edit]
Here are a few bits I saw on the Herald that should be mentioned here, just in case anyone missed it.

First up is this news:
We are bringing the servers down for a small patch at 8:00 AM (see Matt Firor's post for some of the details). Estimated downtime is two hours or so.
Which is a direct result form this statement (just a snip):
When we designed and implemented Trials of Atlantis, we wanted it to be a different experience from the standard Dark Age of Camelot (and Shrouded Isles) experience. We wanted to make encounters more challenging, make players think and choose between different content to explore, and in general, make it more challenging.Now, after almost two weeks of being live, it is obvious that in some cases, the results of our design decisions were not exactly what the community expected. There is a lot of frustration in the community with the Trials, with specific encounters, with lack of information about the content of the expansion, and with bugs that went undetected until live players started exploring Atlantis.
Head over here to read it all.
ToA Guides -- Posted by Turk on 11/03/03 at 3:54 AM [Edit]
Thanks to Kiltorn we have some guides up for the master levels and a quest. First up is Kiltorn's guide to the Master Levels, which you can find in the forum right here. He will be updating it as he goes, so check back often. Here is a snip:
Trial 1 -- Lord Krojer, ~50.5 36k underwater at the bottom of the ocean
You must solo this trial. You cannot be grouped.

Talk to Lord Krojer.
Click on a champion's name in the text box.
Follow the champion out into the arena.
Right click on the champion.
Fight and win.
Next up we have some info on the 5 Armor Pieces Quests, which can be found here in the forums. Here is a snip:
Quest 1. You must go to small island north of a large croc island in the Oceanus Boreal zone. coordinates 45k x 37k There are 3 boulders on this island. You must plant one seed at each boulder, then you must search (I think I did /harvest, not sure) for each seedling at each boulder. Takes a bit of time, is soloable.
Thanks to Kiltorn for gathering this info while he is busy in the lands of Vana'diel.
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